cell: +39 329 0364389
Infectious Diseases - click on the code to know more
SARS-CoV-2 Two genes - KIT COVID
Rare disease - click on the code to know more
PHP1b-QAMAPCR Real Time - Quantification assay of pseudohypoparathyroidism type1b
H19 RT-PCR Real Time - Quantification assay of H19
IGF2 RT-PCR Real Time - Quantification assay of IGF2
KCNQ1OT1 RT-PCR Real Time - Quantification assay of KCNQ1OT1
CDKN1C RT-PCR Real Time - Quantification assay of CDKN1C
CD55-RT-PCR Real Time - Quantification assay of Complementopaties
R201H/R201C GNAS-PCR Real Time - Quantification assay of McCune-Albright syndrome
IFNsig. type I Multiplex One Step RT-PCR Real Time - Multiplex quantification assay of Interferonopaties
CD46-RT-PCR Real Time - Quantification assay of Complementopaties
Gilbert-UGT1A1-TATA Box PCR Real Time - Quantification assay of UGT1A1-TATA Box Dinucleotide Repeats markers of Gilbert’s Syndrome
Gilbert-UGT1A1-TATA Box HRM PCR - Quantification assay of UGT1A1-TATA Box Dinucleotide Repeats markers of Gilbert’s Syndrome
Gilbert-UGT1A1-G211APCR Real Time - Quantification assay of UGT1A1 gene polymorphism G211A markers of Gilbert’s Syndrome
IFNsig. type II Multiplex One Step RT-PCR Real Time - Multiplex quantification assay of Interferonopaties
IFNsig. type III Multiplex One Step RT-PCR Real Time - Multiplex quantification assay of Interferonopaties
Pharmacogenetics - click on the code to know more
Irinotecan, Sacituzumab govitecan, Belinostat, Nilotinib
Mercaptopurine, Azathioprine, Thioguanine
Aminoglycoside-induced deafness - Quantification assay of the A1555G mutation in the MT-RNR1 gene
TPMT-MAMAPCR Real Time - Quantification assay of Thiopurine Methyltransferase
NUDT15 - HRM PCR - Discrimination assay of Nudix Hydrolase 15 variants
FCGR2B-MAMAPCR Real Time - Quantification assay of FCGR2B gene polymorphism Ile232Thr
Gilbert-UGT1A1-TATA Box PCR Real Time - Quantification assay of UGT1A1-TATA Box Dinucleotide Repeats markers of Gilbert’s Syndrome
Gilbert-UGT1A1-TATA Box HRM PCR - Quantification assay of UGT1A1-TATA Box Dinucleotide Repeats markers of Gilbert’s Syndrome
Stemness - click on the code to know more
NANOG-RT-PCR Real Time - Quantification assay of stemness markers NANOG
OCT4-RT-PCR Real Time - Quantification assay of stemness markers OCT4
SOX2-RT-PCR Real Time - Quantification assay of stemness markers SOX2
MULTISTEM One step RT-PCR Real Time - Quantification assay of stemness markers NANOG OCT4 SOX2
Differentiation - click on the code to know more
CHONDRO-RT-PCR Real Time - Quantification assay for chondrogenic differentiation of MSCs
ADIPO-RT-PCR Real Time - Quantification assay for adipogenic differentiation of MSCs
OSTEO-RT-PCR Real Time - Quantification assay for osteogenic differentiation of MSCs
Cellularity - click on the code to know more
Stabilization and storage of RNA - click on the code to know more