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OCT4-RT-PCR real time
Quantification assay of stemness markers OCT4 cod. BM-009
Principle of the test: Quantitative analysis of OCT4 mRNA expression
Technology: Relative Quantitative Real Time PCR
Gene Target: OCT4
Specimen: cDNA
Results within: ΔΔCt method
Reporting Units: Arbitrary Units (AU)
Number of tests: 25 tests BM-009
Kit storage: -20°C
Necessary equipment: Thermocycler, 7500 Real Time PCR System
Status: Ready to use
OCT4-RT-PCR real time cod. BM-009
Quantification assay of stemness markers OCT4
· OCT4-RT-PCR real time Quantification complete kit 25 tests BM-009
Oct-4, a transcription factor also known as Oct-3, Oct-3/4, Otf3 or NF-A3, is encoded by the Pou5f1 gene (located on chromosome 6 in human and 17 in mouse) and belongs to the POU (Pit, Oct, Unc) family of DNA binding-proteins. These proteins regulate the expression of target genes by binding to the octamer motif ATGCAAAT within their promoter or enhancer regions16,17. Oct4, whose expression is associated with pluripotent properties of stem cells, is an essential factor controlling early stages of mammalian embryogenesis18-20.
We have established a novel quantitative analysis of OCT4 mRNA expression. This method is based on real-time PCR. The expression levels of the mRNAs were determined from the threshold cycle (Ct), and the relative expression levels were calculated using the 2-ΔΔCt method. For mRNA quantification, the Ct values were normalized to the expression of the GAPDH mRNA level. Results are expressed in corresponding arbitrary units (AU) User friendly and complete, the OCT4-RT-PCR real time Quantification kit is suitable for any laboratory.
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